One of the highly requested topics of all time from my blog and Instagram DMs is this - where are the best places for street photography? WHERE?
Chill mate, I’ll have you all covered in this article. Based on 8+ years of shooting streets, here are my personal 15 favourite locations for street photography in the amazing town of Hong Kong.
Coming up with this list of ‘winners’ really is a very tough decision given that Hong Kong has such a plethora of great spots. I will be as specific as I can in the below list.
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A while after publishing this article, I have added a few more spots to my list in this video - follow along a street photography tour with me as I document the streets of Hong Kong under COVID 19. This video also touches on my go-to techniques and composition ideas in shooting streets, as well as my editing process.
Anyway, here is my list.
Canton Road, Mong Kok
Neon sights have started being demolished and this spot has relatively more clustered lights. For me a large part of the fun is about hunting for these spots but since you asked, just search for 金多寶 (as the sign reads) in google and you will get the exact location.
Soho, Central
Street photographers talk about framing a lot, because that’s what turns the streets we see every day into interesting shots. The width of alleys in the Soho area are just right to achieve this effect.
Yik Fat Building, Quarry Bay
Both sides of the building in the picture offers mind-blowing sights - be sure to cross over to the other end and see for yourself what’s behind!
Kansu Street, Jordan
Neon lights are great. Neon lights FROM ABOVE are even greater. Find your way up the multi-purpose complex to enjoy the view and an additional perk - away from noise pollution (you will get it once you reach Jordan area)
Des Voeux Street West, Kennedy Town
Finding and obsessing over colourful buildings is what street photographers really do.
Apliu Street, Sham Shui Po
In the Sham Shui Po area, street photography becomes less of a statement of fact; it is more of a narrative of the interactions between people and the surroundings. Be ready to catch scenes that are full of emotions.
Royal Peninsula, Hung Hom
Again a repetition play, which puts viewers at awe with Hong Kong’s residential density.
Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay
This foot bridge is quite an easy one to spot as it spans across the heart of Causeway Bay; yet it is tricky to compose properly unless you have a wider-than-average lens (below 18mm). Take the challenge nevertheless!
Johnston’s Street, Wan Chai
A very versatile area to play with because there is heavy traffic and a wet market right behind it.
Tung Choi Street, Mong Kok East
Go on the footbridge be prepared to be blown away. The area has many other things to explore too!
Lee Tung Avenue, Wan Chai
The Lee Tung Avenue changes looks like how women changes clothes - according to various festivities, different lighting decorations are installed over the street.
Nam Shan Estate, Shek Kip Mei
Nam Shan Estate draws people to it because it reminds them of their childhood. Its visual repetition is definitely why, but a larger part of it has to do with the playground in the common area.
Graham Street, Central
To be precise, it is an area that I’m referring to and not limited to the street. But Graham Street is definitely the heart of the hawker area.
Hill Road, Hong Kong University
This location is right next to B2 exit of HKU mtr station. Best results are achieved with wider lenses such as those with focal lengths below 18mm.
Garden Hill, Shek Kip Mei
If you want to take breath-taking street shots, it comes with a price. But not a huge price, because Garden Hill is quite an easy hike. It is totally worth it, for the view it offers.

More sharing coming soon! DM or comment down below and let me know which ones of the above are your personal favourites!
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Keep shooting, keep creating!
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